“Cut the head off the snake” is an idiomatic expression that refers to the act of eliminating a problem by addressing its root cause or removing the source of the issue. It is often used in situations where it is necessary to take decisive action to resolve a problem or prevent it from escalating further. The phrase can also represent a desire to overcome fear or anxiety, to vanquish one’s enemies, and to bring an end to a stressful situation.
When there is corruption and abuse of power more often than not a cover up is ensued rather than addressing the underlying issue. Why? Because of a refusal to do so even though more lives will be destroyed because of the lack of influence and character near this person. That tells me there is a narcissist in power that has already poisoned others and has influence that is corrupt of his own.
This happens in companies, organizations and dare I say it, the church. A refusal of the corrupt person to step down when it is warranted, instead the cover up begins. The years it takes to put a plan in place to cover evil atrocities ensues. The refusal to step down from a position of power after exposure is not leadership, it’s pride. Bring on board the associates and get them to help change how things are done to avoid it happening again. Help to avoid the exposure. (not the corruption) This would mean more lies. Unfortunately this is not addressing the bigger issue at hand. This is escapism. Avoidance. Shirking all responsibility. The blame game. They want the position of power but cannot hold the wisdom or understanding required for the role because they have it not.
When and where there is corruption it is one thing to change the way that things are done, and another to address the overarching and underlying issues. I mean, how can you get rid of evil and corruption in an organization if you only look at the surface issue. Let’s go deeper shall we?
When issues that go deep fail to be addressed there is injustice.
When the wicked take charge, people go into hiding. When the wicked meet disaster, the godly flourish. – Proverbs 28:28
The real issue in the church or organization is…
There are two questions that every leader should ask themselves if they wish to have such a position of authority. One of them is,” Do I seek God’s heart?” and the other, “Do I have wisdom and understanding?” If not, step down. When a leader fails to ask these questions, one must just know that their agenda is not of God.
The most dangerous people in a church are the’ narrow minded religious man’ and the ‘hard hearted narcissist’ that has paid for his seat but has not paid his dues. “Why?”you ask. Because they lack the humbleness to even check in with God. But they have everything to cover up and hide for themselves and their associates; others of power and influence.
One thing that I truly, will never understand because it requires integrity which I was stupid enough to think some people actually had if they are in leadership and have such influence, is ‘’duty of care.’ Three little words. “The evidence speaks for itself.” says one leader. “What evidence?” asks no one. “Well, what they said must be true.” said everyone. “Did anyone ask the person involved directly?” No, of course not! Little did they know they have believed the lies of the innocent’s enemies. Things may have looked correct but failing to even ask the truth from the horse’s mouth is an abhorrent offense. Negligence in fact. I mean, truth be told, after enduring such a horrific set up, lies and destruction, one would probably be too afraid to say anything anyway and then you will most likely assume something from that too! God only knows in this case, but you all think you do.
There was this one occasion when a girl piped up and said, “I would tell my testimony.” to which the reply came from the pastor’s wife, “you wouldn’t want to share your testimony.” Umm, why not? I’ve never told anyone in this church my testimony so who the heck told you? That is the question. Negligence. Plain and simple. There are no other words to describe it. Not that I can think of anyway. Other than ‘disgusting.’ Or maybe more appropriate would be ‘lies,’ or ‘agenda.’ No one was able to read the signs, but the counselor provided by the institution fished for more info on what this girl knew. Why?
So, we have established the lack of duty of care, the negligence of the leaders and those that should be seeking God but don’t. We have also established abuse, corruption, exploitation of one’s basic human rights, and cover up and the refusal to relinquish what is not deserved. Power. A seat at the table of the Most High. Although we all know who the most high is in this church. And it certainly is not God.
“It does no good to charm a snake after it has bitten you.” – Ecclesiastes 10:11
What I want to see…
A people that seeks after God’s heart in any situation. Seeks the truth. Stand up for what is right and just. One heart, mind and vision.